Thursday 17 July 2014

Keep Calm & Care & Zen

ASUS - Incredible ZEN
Dark Pollution everywhere chokes you and me-
Not only in Environment but also in Minds of humanity...

Good folks are maligned/threatened/killed, can you imagine?
Liars, Terrorists, Manipulators, the Evil & the Unethical grin...

Murders, Rapes, Thefts, Cheating, Greed, Hatred, Jealousy, Anger,
Corruption, Unfairness, Dishonesty, Negativity, Depression, Cancer...


So much muck, pain & violence in this world makes me sad,
Loss of values, morals, conscience, tolerance is so sick & bad...

This is 'Kali Yuga' & the Tenth Avatar of Lord is on His way...
How superb it'll be to have Superpowers early to save the day!
Source: Keep Calm

On all levels, we need quick & advanced care & healing-
For Planet Earth & all its inhabitants - Living & Non-Living...

My Wish- A "Recycle-Bin" where I can "Delete" all the trash!
I'll "Do What Others Can't Do"- Clear Pollution in a flash!


Would like the triumph of Truth, Tolerance, Goodness, Wisdom, Justice,
Trust, Faith, Kindness, Understanding, The Language of Love, Peace...

My Wish- "Select All" & "Apply" the good & "Find" & "Replace" the bad!
I'll "Do What Others Can't Do"- Get "Help & Support" for the mad/sad! 

I'll find unhappiness, tears & fears & borders & replace with joy, hope, faith & smiles,
The music of laughter & friendship echoes across border-less & soldier-less miles!

Healing touch for all the problems & provide wisdom & instant solutions!
How lovely it'll be to put honesty & roses in place of dishonesty & guns!

Embedded image permalink
My SuperPower selects for all- Food, Clothes, Homes, Jobs... a rich quality of life,
And applies the bright light of Knowledge to expel narrow-minded ignorance's strife!

We will all think & do nice things being at peace, no one will be cunning like fox!
Human-beings will behave as humans did before opening of the Pandora's Box!
Pandora's Box ; Source
My Wish- A "Restore To Previous Date/Time" as I please!
"Do What Others Can't Do"-"Restore Factory Settings" with ease!

Wonders like the Sun Temple, Taj Mahal & works of art & architecture,
Around the world will be restored magically to their original splendour...

The Sun Temple, Konark, Odisha, India ; Source: Archaeological Survey Of India
The Indus Valley Civilization, Temple/Church/Mosque, Nalanda University...
No more broken statues, disfigured walls or terror-attack remnants in any city...

I can decipher the incomprehensible too & complete stories...
Learning the secrets & ancient wisdom & earning keys to treasuries...

No pot-holed or water-logged roads or shabby transportation or buildings...
Mint-new infrastructure everywhere by restoring Factory Settings!

No more pollution anywhere, no hole in the Ozone-layer!
Unpolluted rivers, lakes, seas & no effects of oil-slick in Ocean-water...

Instant afforestation -greenery & flowers! Oh! What a sight! 
My Superpower has made everything on Earth perfect & alright!

Source: Wikipedia

My Wish- An "Undo" button that helps me to control A-Z & all!
"Do What Others Can't Do"- UNDO problems & have a ball!

I can undo thefts, treachery, unfairness, killings, slander of the innocent...
I can undo broken vases/hearts & reverse Yet Another Avoidable Accident...


Undo if another kid is raped or falls into an open borewell, or if a vehicle runs over...
Undo the Super-Cyclones, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Floods...or any natural disaster... 

No more extinct flora/fauna or lost/submerged Ships/Cities in our planet,
A Smart reversal of the past human-error or natural-terror or debilitating effect!

I can undo every hurtful word, arrow, Bomb-Attack or missile used in history...
My Superpower will restore our World to previous glory- 'All Is Well' & hunky-dory!
Source: Keep Calm

Not only heal the world, but my phone would also have superpower to heal itself too!
So that if my phone suffered an accidental fall or software glitch, I wouldn't feel blue!

The other day, when my kid dropped my smartphone & damaged its touchscreen,
I wondered why my advanced smartphone isn't smart enough to always be evergreen!

My SuperPower Can Repair & Upgrade Anything Including My Smartphone Into The Newest Model

Now that the service-centre has informed me they have no spare & they can't repair,
Getting armed with my awesome Superpower is all that I truly wish & care!

My Wish-"AutoHeal" & "AutoUpgrade" & "AutoUpdate"!
I'll "Do What Others Can't Do"- Ensure the latest in my fate!

How I'd love smart super-features & all devices metamorphosis into the newest model!
No more worrying/buying- always having the latest devices should augur well!

Any damaged object or accident-victim can benefit with my SuperPower,
Device/Human will be 'healed' instantly and the cracks/injury will disappear!

Humpty Dumpty ; Source: A To Z Teacher Stuff

Now Humpty Dumpty or anyone can sit on the wall & have a great fall in sun/rain!
All my Superpowers can calmly care & with Zen help put Humpty together again!

I am sure even you are drooling about my amazing Zen Superpower Phone now!
Finding the Incredible & to SEE & DO WHAT OTHERS CAN'T SEE & DO is WOW!

Source: Keep Calm from Google Images
Notice that the word 'Citizen' has 'ZEN'!
May all Citizens carry Zen, keep Zen, love Zen, be Zen, stay Zen & Zen on!

 Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers

My Poem with my SuperPower Wish won the Runners-Up prize in the IndiBlogger Contest.

Also linking it to the ABC Wednesday - C for Calm & Care 
C for - Choke, Cheating, Corruption, Cancer, Conscience, Clear, Clothes, Cunning, Civilization, Church, Complete, Cyclones, Centre, Cities, Cracks, Citizen ...


  1. So much chaos and negativity in the world, we really do need Zen ! I loved it Anita :)

    1. Thanks Renu! We need Zen & Superpowers to set everything ok...

  2. Fantastic post Anita! As I began, it inspired me. As I continued reading, it amazed me with the choice of pictures. As I came to end, still it is inspiring but also making me dream of your zen superpower :D Applause for your creativity...

    TC! Keep smiling :)

    1. Thanks Sindhu.
      Wrote this post as am very disturbed by the sad incidents - right from children falling into bore-wells, college-kids getting washed away by Dam waters, rape & hanging of teenagers in UP, 6-year old rape victim in a Bangalore school, killing of innocent kids in Gaza... loooong list...
      Praying & wishing for Superpowers for a better world...
      Hope we all have reasons to smile :)

  3. Very creative indeed

    1. Thanks Chaitali.
      Wish our creative works became reality...then I could use my Superpower to UNDO the #MH17 missile-attack...

  4. Wow Wow Wow. You have become such a creative poet now :)
    Loved it and loved all the social issues you have put in and the way they rhymed together. Loved the feelings behind your words and all I can say is all the very best for the contest.

    1. Thanks for such kind words & wishes, Anmol.
      Disturbed by the present social issues & news...

  5. an awe-inspiring post..!

  6. inspiring and beautiful lines ..! :)

    The way my life is turning these days means college ended .. new job that turning out to be so hectic .. this poem is inspiring me to be the buddha and just go for a long zen :D :D

    1. Thanks Ankur.
      Best wishes to you! All will be well.
      Be blessed :)

  7. Amen to that Anita...if only all of it would come true... well written Gal :)

    1. If only wishes came true, Seeta...
      Thanks :)

  8. Hope the superpower start working as soon as possible :)
    And I am more glad about Sir Humpty Dumpty :D
    I always wanted that healing power rather than strength, agility or anything :)

    1. Amen! Joining of hearts & repair of everything would be excellent.
      Wish we could 'heal the world' like MJ sang...

      As a kid, I was very sad about Humpty Dumpty and wondered why no one could set things right...

  9. At this juncture of negative time , we really need such super powers.....nicely written Anita... :-)

    1. True Mani. We need instant solutions to world problems.
      Enough bad news...
      Thanks :)

  10. This is amazing for me, But there would be people who would have loved the free flow of words continuously in a poem.
    All the Best for the contest , This is a strong contender !

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words & wishes :)
      Means a lot to me.
      Hope the judges feel the same too!

  11. Been to Sun Temple / Konark a year ago! Its a true testimony to India's awe inspiring engineering skills! May you have the superpowers right away to do all the things that you list out! :)

    1. Indeed Raghu. The Sun temple, Konark is an amazing UNESCO World Heritage site.
      Feels terrible that many of Incredible India's structures are in bad & sad state today...

      Thanks for your hearty wish.
      Wish your words come true & I get all the Superpowers I have listed! :)
      What a WOW world it would be...

  12. Great post Anita...If only half of what you are wishing comes true... The world will be a far better place ... Amen !

    1. Thanks Kokila.
      True. Wish there are no problems in the world...

  13. A great and powerful post, Anita! An urgent need of the hour indeed!!

    1. Thanks Amitji. Superpowers urgently needed...

  14. Too good Anita. I guess all of us could do with some zen in this chaotic lifestyle.

  15. Nice post Anita...

  16. A beautifully positive and energetic post. The world is in shamble because of actions of some people hell bent on destroying the beauty of life. I wonder when the madness will ever stop!

    1. Thanks Vishal.
      We have had enough. I am deeply pained seeing the news...

  17. yes we need a factory reset.. maybe one day nature will do it .. ..


  18. You have a Nice Blog And Rich articles :)

  19. Wonderful post Anita !! I am inspired with your Zen Superpower :)

    1. Thanks Amruta. Our world needs Zen Superpower :)

  20. Nicely expressed with Poems. Neatly done!
    All the best Anita:)

    1. Thanks Bhawya for your appreciation & wishes :)

  21. Creative and well written Anita! You brought the positives well in your poem :)

  22. can compose and all i do sometimes is just cry out...get emotional and cry out, Yada yada hee dharmasya glanirbhavati bharta abhyuthanam adharmasya paritarnaya sdhunam vinashaya cha dushkritanam dharma shanshthapnarthaya smbhavami yugay yugay...forgive the spelling errors but i sure do and cry out for a Redeemer to come. Sometimes the despair gets too much because i am afraid for my children and their children. When, when when...when the tears are finished i feel calmer. i try to be good, try to be the drop in the ocean but the ocean is just too polluted and sometimes my goodness gets polluted too Anita. Now trying to grasp all the positives i can through urs. Thanx for this.

    1. Thanks Shivani for reading & for sharing this.
      The lines from the Gita are very relevant. High time for the Redeemer...

      Yes, even I'm so depressed watching the news that I chose to express my emotions about sad cases like- Sunanda Pushkar, HP Dam tragedy, UP Badaun Rape, Gaza Attacks etc. through poems.
      Shed enough tears.
      Really need Superpowers to UNDO all the problems...
      Wishing & praying a lot these days. Hope wishes will come true & we have a better world...

  23. Wow! Just loved it Anita :) Liked the way you used all delete, undo, restore to turn this world into a better, wait, perfect world. Lot of thinking and efforts put into it. And, you have a happy reader here (yes, yes, it's me :D )

    1. Thanks a lot for such kind words :) Yes, the world will be perfect if our good wishes came true with Recycle-Bin where we can delete, Undo, Find & Replace, Restore to previous time...
      I have been thinking of all this for so long that I am mostly lost in that Utopia...
      Unfortunately am jerked back to reality when I see the news...

  24. Anita, you weave words so well!
    I'm awe-stuck at this one. :)

    1. Thanks Poonam! Words from my heart...
      Means a lot :)

  25. Wonderfull post,everybody hoping a best in world with peace.Greeting feom Belgium,

    1. Welcome to my Blog! Thank you so much for reading.
      Yes, we are all hoping for the best & praying for world peace. Amen!

  26. Nice Article Anita hope we make it a grand double again :)

    1. Thanks Vijay. It will be an honor to share the honors with you again :)
      May noble thoughts win!

  27. Great read, you have done this well.

    1. Thanks Indrani. All these have been weighing on my mind for long.
      Put in a lot of time & effort to share my message. Feels great when it is recognized :)

  28. An incredible post! ATB Anita :)

  29. Very creative post Anita, I always had this inclination for posts that have a poetic bend. Best wishes for the contest.


    1. Thanks Sammya! We share the love for creative & poetic posts.
      All the best to you too :)

  30. Wow! Its amazing how you you have potrayed your thoughts so beautifully. Very creative indeed!

    1. Thanks a lot, Ryan :)
      Glad you liked my post!

  31. Well done! and IF ONLY!!!

    abcw team

    1. Thanks Leslie. I have been wishing & dreaming about all this for the past couple of years...
      Hope it'll be reality soon! :)

  32. I like this better than the original!@ One syllable makes a difference.

    1. Thanks Roger :) Yes indeed. Every syllable & word & action counts... we can make a huge difference...

  33. This is a SUPER DUPER post! :D Just all the things we need fr this botched up world! :)

    1. Thanks Amrita :) Wish the Superpowers set everything right & made this the perfect world...

  34. A favorite among Christians: Philippians 4:8 King James Version (KJV)

    8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.Philippians 4:8King James Version (KJV)

    8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. ♪

  35. You thought through all..Loved your take on "Citizen" and :Heal the world".....No more extinct species....undo all unfortunate incidents....yet another "He-Man" post :)

    1. Thanks Vidhya for your "He-Man" comment :)
      When we feel so good thinking of all this "setting-things-right" powers, how nice we'll actually feel if all this is reality...

  36. Oh, a mind blowing response to the ills of the world !!! I endorse your concerns heartily! Keep it up.

    1. Thanks Uppalji for your encouraging words. We have many supporters who want a peaceful world.
      Unfortunately, a few are responsible for the ill-health & Hell on Earth...
      That's why Superpowers are needed...

  37. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. Delighted that you enjoyed reading this :)

  38. You took your sadness and turned it into a beautifully expressed thought that, in the end, is about hope.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by & reading & sharing such beautiful words. Welcome to my Blog.
      I believe- 'There is a silver lining in every cloud".
      May we have the power to identify the good & be optimistic & hope :)

  39. Anita, thanks for hooking up to ABC so I could see this masterwork of meditation and optimism - while acknowledging the mess, you are brave and right to see beyond!

    Zen is the point, no? I went straight for racists this week and offered no solution (is there one, other than trying to show them that love is more important than anything?). You brought together amazing graphics (Pandora's Box is out of this world) and all the favorite "Keep Calm" posters that hang around Madison, WI since the 100,000 citiZEN protest of the governor's union busting two years ago.

    This is one for the ages. Bless you for your optimism and grace. Amy

    1. Welcome to my Blog, Amy! Thanks for sharing such kind words :)
      I feel so blessed connecting with positive people like you from around the world.
      It's great when our thoughts, feelings & ideas gain acceptance & support, irrespective of man-made barriers like religions, borders of countries etc. - all what are responsible for strife & sadness...

      All the pictures are courtesy the source mentioned beneath them. I haven't created any; just shared them :)
      I have often wondered if our world would have been a better place if Pandora hadn't been so curious & not opened the Pandora's Box!
      I find myself trying to "Keep Calm". May we all keep the faith, strength & optimism...

      Thanks! Stay blessed :)

  40. Anita, we are the ones we are waiting for...Super power within us has to be brought out to be the change we are desiring around.
    I do understand, and share your sadness, concerns and anxieties about the affairs of the world around us. The solution begins when we start changing ourselves, extricate ourselves from the greed, selfishness and excessive desires.. May that superpower within us all come to rescue us all. That would be the redeemer..
    Nice post.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your insights & wise words.
      I agree with you. Even Gautam Buddha & other wise men have stated this.
      In today's age, man's inherent superpowers & inner beauty & human intelligence needs to come alive...
      I often wonder about our mental-health as we allow crazy things to happen in our world...

      Just like a Chemical Reaction in Science is triggered off by Reactants, we urgently need a powerful Reactant who'll bring about the transformation in us & our world...
      Then, we can respect our Superpowers & treat everyone with care & be Zen...

  41. WOW! This is fantastic, Anita. So much expressed in this one post. Calm is what we sorely need in a world like today's. Then only true solutions to the multitudinous problems can surface in the light of that inner, deep calm. And India has the best chance to bring out that deep solutions, if only we can learn to see the strength of our civilization in the right spirit. Congratulations on this wonderful post, dear!

    1. Thank you so much, Beloo for your kind words & appreciation :)
      Means a lot.
      Wish we would learn from our culture as you have rightly pointed out.
      India has been the land of peace.
      May we get to share our light of ancient wisdom & help the world keep calm... much needed for these violent times...

  42. Hello, thanks for leaving your link, I got here so much faster! You are so right, very calming and inspiring reading your lovely post!

    1. Welcome to my Blog, Karen :)
      I shared this post with you as you were so disappointed with the "News" in your post. Thinking of nice positive things can calm us. Stay blessed!

  43. surrounded by so much chaos...we need peace and serenity...lovely post!!!

    1. Welcome to my Blog, Nihar.
      Thanks for your nice words. Do keep visiting :)


Your words mean a lot to me.

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