Wednesday 13 November 2019

The Scientist

As a young sincere scientist and smart historian, Lata proudly held her latest invention in a bottle in her hand.

She wanted to test whether her invention worked.

If all had gone right, just one drop from the bottle on the ground would show a picture of the structure that previously existed on that particular land.
PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

She tested it at the ground where her ancestral property once stood.
Earthquake had razed it.

But, with her invention, it was possible to see the old building structure at the exact place where it existed.

This scientist's invention could solve many property disputes.

Do property cases bother you? Do you feel scientific inventions can settle such legal cases in the future?

100 words story.
Linking with Friday Fictioneers & ABC Wednesday - S for Scientist, Smart, Sincere, Structure


  1. That will make a lot of unhappy lawyers!

  2. Your imagination will truly aid research. Kudos!

  3. Dear Anita,

    Interesting invention.



  4. A novel discovery. I wonder if it could make the people who lived there reappear too?

  5. That's a neat invention, and an interesting take on the prompt.
    I don't think it would help settle disputes, though. Facts are secondary, and scientists are only believed when their message is comfortable. You only have to look at the response to climate change...

    1. When I read Neel's story, I realised that your story probably refers to the recent court decision in favour of the Hindu temple and against the mosque. Lata's invention definitely wouldn't help there!

  6. The Legal Eagles will find a way to outlaw such a discovery. It will affect their bank accounts adversely :)

  7. Something tells me this could cause battles.

  8. I still have deeds from my grandparents old property. They sold the land but kept the mineral rights. I wonder if anything will ever come of that? - Margy

  9. Sounds great - where can I get a bottle?

  10. I wonder what would be revealed on a site where buildings have replaced each other multiple times?


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