Wednesday 6 November 2019

I Rest My Case

I visited my college buddies for their 10th Marriage Anniversary.
I had played match-maker to bring them together.

A rude shock awaited me…
Sia & Tinto, my perfect romantic-pair, wanted to separate citing irreconcilable rift.

This was no reward...
Their request to employ my law-skills, touched a raw nerve. 

Two new jars with Black Olives and Peach Jelly stood proudly.
PHOTO PROMPT © Ronda Del Boccio
I knew- Sia loved Peach Jelly, Tinto loved Black Olives; Sia hated Black Olives, Tinto hated Peach Jelly.

"The very fact that these are present in your home and coexist, I rest my case,” I said resolutely, hoping realization dawns.

Did the advocacy work? What do you think happened next? 
According to you, what should be the next step in such cases? Please share in the comments below.

100 words short story for Friday Fictioneers
Also linking with ABC Wednesday- R for - Rest, Reward, Rift, Romantic, Raw, Rude, Realization, Request


  1. Dear Anita,

    It's upsetting when friends call it quits.



  2. I'd say it didn't work. They're probably well beyond disputes about food preferences

  3. They tried for awhile. But when it's time to call it quits, one must. Life is too short to be unhappy.

  4. Ah, perhaps the jars along are not enough. Perhaps they need to learn how to mix ingredients better ... Or, maybe they realities of each jar in its own glass castle says it all, too ...

  5. I think it may be too late for this couple, no point in forcing something that has broken down.

  6. C'est la vie. Sorry for all concerned. I hope her convincing helps them to keep trying.

  7. I think it was an elegant effort to help them realize they could live with each other's differences. I doubt its efficacy, though, because in my experience as a therapist, problems like this were many layers deep.

  8. A good try but I wonder if it's too little too late

  9. They should never have put their friend in such a situation.


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