Wednesday 6 June 2018

You Make Me Feel Alive

It was a busy train-station.
He looked at her.
She was already looking at him.
He always looked smart dressed in grey.
In her white gown, she looked ethereal as usual.
PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Their eyes always met from across the station...

Despite the distance, there seemed to be a divine connection.
The love-signal was strong.
They longed for each other with all their heart, truly wanting to belong.

That night there was a massive thunder and lightning strike that plunged the city to darkness.

In the morning, the commuters noticed that the two recently installed marble statues were missing from their pedestals...

Image result for feel alive quotesImage result for being with you makes me feel alive

Have you ever imagined what if statues come to life? What would they do? What stories would they say? 
Do we have to be fully human to feel fully alive? Do you believe that love makes one come to life?
Do share in the comments below.

100 words story for Friday Fictioneers
Also linking with IndiSpire- Topic 255- #FullyHumanFullyAlive- Life is too important to be taken seriously.
Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers


  1. I often wonder what statues get up to after the lights are turned off. I bet Rodin's 'The Kiss' has a great 'ole time!

    Click to read my FriFic tale

  2. How delightful to imagine a love so strong that it can turn a stone heart into flesh and blood!

  3. Love can bring even stone to life.

  4. Oh, I loved that! The ending was completely unexpected - thanks for surprising me!

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  5. Well that was cool!! Loved the imagery. I will always look at marble statues and wonder now!! LOL!

  6. Lovely twist Anita, sweet and surreal :-)

  7. Very creative and says so much in a few words ~

    Happy Times to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. That was a fun read, Anita. I love the idea... I was half expecting this to be going on at night when all was closed... but to run off like that? Well now...

  9. I wish them well. I think their progress might be slow, and rather noticeable, but I'm still rooting for them.

  10. Aw, a happy love story with statues :) Made me smile.

  11. I would have loved to see that !!

  12. That is a great twist :-)
    Congrats on being in the ITB 2018

  13. Very nice, especially the subliminal reference to Shelley's methodology.

  14. Oh! What fun. May there be more thunder and lightning.

  15. life also brings a lot of moments like these beautiful statues and a thunder and lightning changes us and the things around altogether.

  16. Wow !!!! what an interpretation, very nice take on the prompt.

  17. Interesting read 👍 Thanks for sharing 🙂 Anita


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