Tuesday 26 June 2018

Perks Of Being A Blogger #writebravely

They:     "What do you do?"

Blogger: "I'm a Blogger."

They: <*Multiple reactions and cross-questions depending on the knowledge-status of questioner!*>
            "What's Blogging? Is that a profession? Never heard of that!"
            "What do you do for work?"
            "What is your salary?"
            "Oh really? Never heard of your blog!"
            "Is your blog in the Top-10 list?"
            "Still stuck with a blog? Vlogs are the new cool!"
            "Yuck! Your blog looks so unprofessional!"
            "Does not sound good as people don't know about this. Any other intro?"
            "My friend's relative's gardener's neighbour's son does 'X' work & he earns lakhs!"  
            "Does anyone have the time to read blogs these days?"
            "Why are you wasting your time?"        
            "Why don't you look for a decent job?"
Blogger: "Let me share with you some perks of being a blogger."

Advantages of being a Blogger:

Owning a personal space in the Blogosphere!

Earning votes and comments spreads cheer!

Blogging family is a great supportive network.

New people & places make blogging interesting work.

Opportunity to express suggestions on issues galore!

Chance to win awards, badges, prizes and lots more!

Invitations to trips and events like cool bloggers' meets!

For review-purpose, getting the latest products and treats!

Feel good being an agent of social-change and an influencer.

The above is just a small list of the perks of being a blogger :)

Dear Bloggers, let's have fun and continue to #writebravely.

Do you feel blogging is a job? Do you find blogging fun? Do you blog for money? What are the perks of being a blogger? 
Do share in the comments below.

Quote prompt:
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and—snap!—the job’s a game!” – Mary Poppins
Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Blogging is not the right job for everybody.

  2. Blogging is fun when we don't get obsessed with the numbers, perks and freebies associated with it. I've written for free for the longest time and can say that its been rewarding for me personally.

  3. hmm, the scene is fast changing these days

  4. Very common issues presented nicely,good to go through the advantages mentioned, experienced some of those.

  5. You do have your own writing style that has a funny tinge embedded in its chromosomes.

    Arvind Passey

  6. Loved Blogging :) Loved your post :))

  7. Yes very true...It also builds your brand in a particular niche.

  8. There's nothing like the creative satisfaction you get out of this. And there are the people you meet (who share this wonderful interest -- they are probably the best supporters too. :))

  9. I agree with each of these points too. Being a Blogger comes with lots of perks too!


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