Saturday 25 July 2015

Back Again For Love!

"The petroglyphs told the story of an unusual event.”
© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham
Photo Prompt- Mondays Finish The Story

Behind her she heard laughter/screaming in metallic voices when she felt she had figured out the petroglyphs story.

Hearing sounds up the stairs, she gave an optimal chase on the spiral staircase only to witness an UFO’s take-off
Photo-Prompt- Magpie Tales
Her study was right!
Aliens had been visiting our planet since ancient times...

When she reached their banquet-hall, she was bewildered to find that all the baskets, filled with pots & cans of Rasagolas (a delicious sweet), were missing!
To celebrate #RasagolaDibasa, she had sourced Rasagolas from the best sweet-shops of Odisha- the birthplace of Rasagolas.
Rasgulla Odisha India
Rasgulla/Rasagola- A sweet that originated in Odisha, India
"Breaking News"!
In another part of the Universe, Rasagolas were making news! 

As the aliens polished off the Rasagolas in their planet, their polished job delighted them!

Love for Rasagolas would make them step out of their comfort zone more often!

Like Maa Lakshmi and Lord Jagannath of Puri Temple in Odisha & the aliens in this story, do you love Rasagolas too? Do share in the comments below.

Linking with-
In Other Words  -“Everything you ever wanted is one step out of your comfort zone.”-Anonymous
ABC Wednesday - B For Behind, Best, Basket, Banquet, Bewildered, Birthplace, Breaking, Back
Three Word Wednesday- Metallic, Optimal, Polished 
Write Tribe- Behind her she heard laughter/screaming
Magpie Tales 
Mondays Finish The Story
IndiSpire Edition -75
Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. A delightful read indeed. Greetings!

  2. Wow...aliens who like rosogollas...Interesting Anita :)

    Loved it!

  3. Nice mix of challenges Anita! Feeling "game?" The next Mondays Finish the Story challenge is sure to be fun! Stay tuned! Be well... ^..^

  4. Interesting. I can start a war with aliens for daring to eat my Rasogollas!!! 😃lovely story.

  5. I have tasted rosogollas from Cuttack. Yummm....wish I could get them here in Mumbai too. ..

  6. Interesting.. Even I love Rosogollas ;)

  7. I more than love them! I normally have them at will.

  8. Wow... I'm impressed... you handled all those prompts beautifully!!

  9. well,that's interesting; of all the things rosogollas manage to reach outer space, great

  10. Interesting way you brought in the Rasogollas!

  11. Indeed a delectable read Anita :-P So do I love Rasogollas! :-D

  12. I love Rosogolla...Slurp and great imaginative writeups...

  13. Yummy rasgullas are yummy only ! I love the concept of the story just as much as I love Rasgullas :D

  14. always finding clever ways to meet the prompt

    ROG, ABC Wednesday

  15. Delected, yummy and mouth-watering post:)

  16. I love rasogullas!!! Yeah, aliens will surely love them too!

  17. Sweet post as Rasagolas.Loved the post as well as the sweet.

    Sriram & Krithiga

  18. Lol interesting weave with all the prompts.. :)

  19. And why won't aliens love rasagolas? They are delicious. :)

  20. Aliens love rasagolas! That's very imaginative and a nice amalgamation of so many prompts!

  21. Interesting!! ..and yes, I didn't know Odisha is the birthplace of Rasagola and that aliens love them too! :)

  22. Well written!

  23. Love the mixing of stories, this gave me a great smile of happiness.

  24. Wow excel in dealing with several prompts eksaath dear ! Enjoyed !

  25. Wow! What a creative story! I second Kokila, I was looking for a Rasagola post but was surprised looking at the photograph and first few lines but you are a genius to have brought entire universe towards Rasagola!
    Belated Rasagola Dibasa wishes :)
    TC, keep smiling :)

  26. It's such a delicacy, no wonder even the aliens love it. :)

  27. Rasagollas are so famous world wide... its not impossible for the aliens to crave for


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