Wednesday 11 January 2023

The Surprise Visit

It had been an excruciating month.

After a lot of hard work, their contract was sealed.

He decided to surprise his mother.

She stayed 3 hours away; but, he had not met her for weeks.

Feeling uneasy, his mother was praying.

Picture Prompt- Fleur Lind

He had self-driven half way when he dozed off...

A bus was coming from the opposite direction.

There was a head-on collision.


Nothing happened to the bus.

But, the car was mangled.

They searched for his body.

He had miraculously disappeared!

Mother’s prayers had worked.

But, had God listened?

The UFO had done its work.

The first space-teleportation-rescue mission was successful.

100 Words Story for Friday Fictioneers

What happens next?

Do you think UFOs will visit us soon?

A famous astrologer, Baba Vanga, has predicted that aliens will visit Planet Earth in 2023!

Certainly hope they are good aliens like ET :)

Happy 2023!


  1. I'm pretty sure they're already here and have been for years

  2. Aliens. Uh oh. Seriously, very good.

  3. I like the idea that they may be here to look after us!

  4. Destiny has been changed, now someone is not going to be happy,

  5. Such an imaginative turn in the story!

  6. The ending is out of this world, and really, his mother's prayers were answered after all! 🙂

  7. If ETs come to Earth, they may as well make themselves useful.

  8. Saved by aliens. Good one.

  9. Well done. It's nice to think they are here to help.

  10. A fascinating take on the prompt. So many ways it could be read :)

  11. An unexpected end. Has the rescue mission saved the man or taken the body?


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