Wednesday 1 January 2020

New Connection

Sila picked up the phone’s receiver with great enthusiasm.
She started dialling the number she knew so well.
“This telephone number doesn’t exist.”
Image Prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Her family was by her side.
They excitedly cheered while she dialled.

She tried a couple of other numbers that she knew.
Sila heard the same message.
Disappointment was writ large across her face.

Her family didn’t have the heart to share the reality.

A lot had changed.

How would she react if she learned that all her friends were either dead or had migrated to using mobile phone-numbers?

Sila had regained her memory after two decades.

100 words story for Friday Fictioneers
Do you remember using the black telephone-sets as shown in the image?
What do you think of the drastic change and mobile phone technology now?


  1. A nicely imagined piece, Anita. You lead up to the twist very effectively

  2. Great take on the prompt - very imaginative.

  3. Very very imaginative Anita. Happy New Year

  4. Sad tale of how change happens regardless

  5. Dear Anita,

    She has a lot of catching up to do.



  6. What a shock to lose two decades and then "wake up." I suspect she'll want to go back to wherever she was, before too much more time passes. Novel take on the prompt.

  7. I can't imagine what it must be like to jump two years in in few moments. Today things can change in two days! A thought-provoking piece indeed Anita.

    Here's mine!

  8. Indeed... I wonder how much those numbers will mean in the future.

  9. The Age of Electronics means adjustment for all, some more than others. Good story.

  10. I remember when my brother-in-law once said we would all have our own numbers. I pfffted him at the time... sheesh. We re there now, aren't we? Poor her...

  11. Inventive take on the prompt, well done. I can't imagine losing 20 years of memories, it would be so dislocating.

  12. Such an interesting take... and joy and pain for the family at the same time. I hope most of the friends have mobiles and haven't died yet. I know these black phones only from old movies.


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