Wednesday 2 September 2015

The Happy Host

The old lady had a small apartment in an old building in the outskirts of the city.

Though she was poor, she had a big heart, was amusing and entertained guests happily.

Everyone called her the 'Happy Host'.
PHOTO PROMPT - © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Photo-Prompt- Friday Fictioneers; © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Whenever she would meet anyone anywhere, she would smile & greet with a warm 'Hello' & a cozy hug and bestow kindness!

Her apartment was always full of guests, who made selfish use of her honest hospitality.

No one knew that she had mortgaged her apartment and was deeply in debt to make ends meet...

One day, a guest visited her home. He got pampered by her.

He mysteriously disappeared leaving behind a gift and a note for the Happy Host..

His gift- the painting was a masterpiece that was worth millions, and more than elastic to keep the Happy Host happy!
Photo-Prompt- Magpie Tales; Peonies, William Merritt Chase, 1897
“When you learn, teach.  When you get, give.”- Maya Angelou

Linking with-
In Other Words
Magpie Tales
Three Word Wednesday- Amusing, Deeply, Elastic
ABC Wednesday- H for - Heart, Happily, Happy, Host, Hope, Hello, Hug, Honest, Hospitality, Home
Friday Fictioneers
Wednesday Wit & Wisdom
Blog-A-Rhythm - Wordy Wednesday#1- Kindness


  1. She probably won't sell it.
    Good piece.

  2. Dear Anita,

    Glad she was finally rewarded for her hospitality.



  3. What a lovely story, Anita. I'd love for you to link back to my meme at Wednesday Wit and Wisdom and share your picture story today. Have a good week!

  4. Nice response to the prompt...

  5. Such a positive sweet story!
    Happy ABCW!

  6. I love stories like this when the good people get rewarded for what they do. How lovely. Your writing is beautiful!

  7. What a heart warming tale. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh, what a feel-good post to read. Like the painting too.

  9. Quite well deserved gift I wud say... nice use of the prompt :)

  10. aw that's sweet that he left the painting

  11. hmmm what a wonderful story, but if i follow my feeling, i am quite sure that The Happy Host will never sell a gift , no matter what she could earn with it.

    Have a nice day
    Melody abc-w-team)

  12. Beautiful story... what goes around comes around. A great story in Karma! :-)

  13. Lovely story--she gave all she had.

  14. But would she sell it and free herself of all debts?

  15. I like that story. I like that woman. I don't understand the elastic part. I think if she did sell it, she would use the money to help others.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  16. Sweet story. It is true that many with very little give much. How wonderful that someone gave back. My take would be that if she sold the painting she would give all the money away. But would she sell a gift?
    Thanks for sharing your story at In Other Words.

  17. Yes the painting was a reward for the reader as well!

  18. nice read! Rewards are always encouraging.

  19. nice read! Rewards are always encouraging.

  20. Nice one. Some people are so appreciative and his appreciation came at just the right moment. Hopefully she recognised the value of the painting.

  21. An enjoyable story With a surprise ending!

  22. I loved the story and the painting. Very nice job.

  23. It's a lovely story of selflessness and generosity. She's a winner no matter what! Beautifully written!

  24. Always be hospitable & welcoming for we may just be entertaining the Angels of God Himself. Lovely story, from another Miracle Believer. feel free to visit back anytime.

  25. A sweet story, and there are actually people out there who give great gifts.

  26. Her good deeds did not go unrewarded. A feel good story with a happy ending.
    Well written ...!!!
    Isadora ��

  27. hehe.. really admire how well you have weaved so many prompts together!


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