Wednesday 13 October 2021

The Healing Prescription

*Gentle voice* Feel comfortable and be relaxed.

We are taking a shuttle to your past.

What can you see? 

I am visiting a fair with my parents. 

I can see a merry-go-round.  

I request my parents- Please allow me to take a ride.

Photo Prompt- Brenda Cox


My parents don't agree. I am crying. 

Do you ever remember enjoying a merry-go-round ride? 

*Shuttle speeds up and travels through the memories of several years.* 

No, never in this life. 

*Shuttle stops.*

We have completed your therapy session.

You can slowly open your eyes.

The healing prescription for you is a ride on the merry-go-round!


100 words story for the Friday Fictioneers.

Do you think this is a good therapy? Should we revisit the past and do what we had once craved to do?


  1. Sometimes all someone needs is a nice simple enjoyable pleasure to recuperate

  2. A second shot at what me missed. Would we do it? How would we be changed. Something simple like a ride on a merry-go round might create a profoundly different that one without the rdie. Or would it?
    You propose a lot of intreguing questions -- which prompt even more from me.

  3. Ooops, the spell checker on my internet isn't working, and I miss typos: changed? create a profoundly different life than one without the ride. At the end of the comment: ;) (winking smilie face icon)

  4. A great take on the prompt, well done.

  5. A lot nicer than the presciption I got from my doctor! A delightfully different take.

  6. Well done. Great prescription.

  7. That's great therapy, I'd do that again, and again, just to be sure. ;)

  8. Hmmmmm. Not sure, maybe. Underlying issue was her parents' arguing, leading me to suspect that not all was well in that home. Maybe a carousel ride will help her put the past in the past. Worth a try :)

  9. Dear Anita,

    A merry-go-round ride might be just the ticket.



  10. I'm not sure it will work, but I don't think it will hurt. Worth a try!

  11. Fascinating fantasy fiction, Anita. Perhaps riding the carousel will enable the patient to put the disappointment in perspective, and then discover that many other things also take their true significance.

  12. Interesting prescription. Hope it helps in some way.


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