Wednesday 10 March 2021

Vitamin Sea

Her latest medical test-reports revealed acute Vitamin-D deficiency.

Her doctor asked her to get adequate sunshine.

Staying indoors did have its toll.

Vitamin Sea was her favourite. 

She decided to travel to her favourite beach.

It was her first vacation after the pandemic.

The popular beach wore a desolate look.

She was all alone.


She felt like the "Queen of the Beach"! 

The strong tides jolted her back to reality. 

She suddenly realized that there weren't any lifeguards. 

No way was she going to allow herself to be swept away.

Bathed in the sun-rays, she breathed freely after many months.

Sea Beach
That's me without my mask and sun-glasses! :)

100 Words Story for Friday Fictioneers

Have you checked your health recently? 
I did. I have Vitamin D deficiency. Dreaming to #FlyAgain and get my quota of "Vitamin Sea" and/or "VitaMountain"! :)
How about you? Are you a Mountain person or a Beach person? Do share in the comments below.


  1. Dear Anita,

    Vitamin D deficiency is a very real thing. Vitamin Sea is my favorite, too. Nice picture of you.



  2. Vitamin C gotten when visiting Vitamin Sea!

  3. Vitamin Sea is an awesome expression and she can get her Vitamin D there also. Great photo of you near your favorite vitamin :)

  4. Vitamin Sea - I love that! Looking forward to being allowed back there too :-)

  5. I live oposite a beach and we've been officially warned to stay well clear for the next couple of days thanks to stormy weather, so I'll have to forego my daily shot of Vitamin Sea for a while!

    My story!

  6. I will be getting my dose of Vitamin Sea this weekend. Hope you can get some soon!

  7. I'm sure there are a lot of people with a vitamin D deficiency since staying in during the pandemic. I can't wait to get more vitamin D at the sea. My favorite place for a holiday!!

  8. I'm terribly Vitamin Sea deficient, but my doctor won't prescribe it, alas! Enjoyed this!

  9. I love 'Vitamin Sea'! I too am deficient just now. But soon, I hope... A clever, fub story.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Glorious SEA you are my special friend.
    I adore the beach. You look very happy in the photo too.
    Yes, Viatmin D does seem to be vocalized by many of my MD's.
    Of course, they recommend Coral Calciums with it. Aahhhh ... aging.
    Be Safe 😷 … Isadora 😎

  12. Oooppppsss ... it didn't come up with my name ???

  13. Excellent story. It's finally warming up a little here so I can get out. Sunlight not only activates Vitamin D; but also increases serotonin levels... and that brightens your mood. 15 minutes of pure sunlight a day, any way that you can get it! What a beautiful beach you've chosen, too. :) <3

  14. I love the beach. Sadly, hubby doesn't, so I don't get there as often as I'd like. Very well done. I love your story this week.

  15. Vitamin Sea is the best vitamin. I wish I could get it. But I try to do with vitamin dog-walk and vitamin-field. Not the same but sufficient. :)

  16. I must go down to the sea again... as soon as we are allowed to! I love the mountains too.

  17. The sea is the best place to be restored.


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