Wednesday 11 October 2017

How To Make New Friends

Before you think that this post is inspired by Dale Carnegie's best-selling book- "How To Win Friends and Influence People", let me tell you that you are on the wrong track! However, this post does have some novel ideas that you can incorporate to make new friends!
Disclaimer- This writer does not claim responsibility for any nice/nasty experience you might encounter in your quest to conquer the new 'Kingdom of Friends'! Follow these tips at your own risk!

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Okay, so you are still reading this post! It means you are really serious to make new friends! 
Don't tell me that I didn't warn you! 

How To Make New Friends?
  • Win a popular contest/show/lottery...- Winning has its charms and is like a magnet that attracts new friends as everyone loves a winner! Success earns many friends depending on the monetary gains! Some new friends may immediately profess their love want instant status change from friend to life-partner!
  • Treat everyone to nice food and experiences - This may burn a hole in your pocket. but, nice food and desserts are very effective ,especially if it is you who always foots the hotel /food bill! 
  • Buy the latest Car/Bike/Gadget ...- Some folks who love these material stuff and "brands", would like to be associated with the owner of such precious possessions and flaunt such objects in style! 
  • Be tech-savvy and active on Social-Media - Like, Follow, Share, Retweet, Repost etc and your friend-list should increase! If your photo and video-editing skills are good, your creative viral smart video/smart song or dance may earn you new friends.!
  • Mend ties with long-forgotten old-friends - Putting in such effort and maintaining relations can be enriching like "old wine in new bottle". If you are lucky, your old-friends will introduce you to newer ones!
  • If none of the above tips work, you can learn N Lessons from Queen - Though naive, she made many new international friends naturally! 

  • My Belief- Be the best version of yourself everyday and you will surely make new friends!
  • All the best to you and all your friends! Don't forget to share your heartfelt-prayers and wishes with your old and new friends :)

Linking with-
ABC Wednesday- N for New, Novel, Nasty, Nice, Near, Naive, Naturally...

What do you feel? Do you have any more novel ideas how to make new friends? Do share in the comments below.


  1. Ha ha :-D You might have also shared how to win a lottery :-D Rest all can be achieved with that one tip :-D
    Fun filled post. But, there is a hidden lesson too. Sometimes unexpected people start taking care of us. This post has a checklist to check if thry are real or fake! I agree with you being ourselves can give us few but true friends :-)

    Enjoyed ththis differently written post :-) TC!

  2. Such a good post Anita, I could feel how each line is right. May be some will be fair weather friends but yes there will be friends. :)

  3. Great post! And I can attest to making several new friends through blogging and doing ABCW! Some I've met in person, too.


  4. Actually, I DID win a popular game show!


  5. Such great advice! If we all could be nice to each other and be better friends - what a great place our world would be.

  6. hahahah. I enjoyed your post. Thank you.

  7. :D good post :D :D
    and yes the title did remind me of dale's book.

  8. :D good post :D :D
    and yes the title did remind me of dale's book.

  9. Lovely list of tips although I miss a very important one..
    aways be (loyal to) yourself... a friendship is there to add someting valuable to ones life, not make it worse.

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-WEDNES-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  10. Very informative, keep posting such sensible articles, it extremely helps to grasp regarding things.


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