Tuesday 18 August 2015

8 Ways How To Write Blog Posts Faster!

I was happy to find a fantastic info-graphic-
8 Secrets to writing faster blog posts!
Ah! If & only if to the rules I could stick...
Then, I'd have been free & not so lost!

how to write faster

1. It makes sense to assign a deadline & stick to it;
2. Create a calendar to get into a routine to post content;
3. Keep a topic list & pick any that we feel is fit!
4. Start by writing the end first- the walk away point!

5. Remove all distractions & get into the writing zone!
6. Write without editing; just seriously go with the flow.
7. Keep the tempo alive & maintain the flow & the tone!
8. By story-telling- reading our words aloud, errors we'll know!

Bloggers may be finicky, funny, forgetful, fragile or furious,
But, trying to be a Fast Blog Post Writer has been our common aim!
Following the above 8 tips, we'll achieve our goal smartly without fuss!
We'll save time & get to write more posts fast & win in the Blogging game :)

Happy Fast Blog post Writing to all of us!

Linking with-
ABC Wednesday - F For Fast, Faster, Fantastic, Free, Feel, Fit, Flow, Finicky, Funny, Forgetful, Fragile, Furious, Following, Fuss


  1. Good points and things I try to teach my writing students, too.

    abcw team

  2. For me, I try writing ahead of the deadline. I have a couple dozen post in queue, for those days when the child is sick. the Internet is wonky, or I'm uninspired.


  3. Interesting points indeed, my most recent post talks about blog post ideas. So this is very apt. Greetings!

  4. Great advice - I will save it for empty evenings....

  5. Anita,you helped me a lot by this precise post.Have a nice day.

  6. I follow few of the things but others I need to try. Thanks for the post Anita :).

  7. I needed this. With a background of working in a newspaper I respect deadlines however the flip side is that I'm never done before it and always find myself scrambling when it approaches. Having a calendar is such a great idea. I could make out the events and weave posts around them. Thanks for sharing.

    BeatAboutThe Book

  8. blogging for me is for fun, to be free of rules. Make friends.

  9. Great ideas and great help for the bloggers.

  10. This sounds like a plan! Thanks for sharing this, God knows I need it!

  11. Firstly my apologies for a late comment, i have been far to busy repairing my blog after a moval from one host to another... and taking care of other things that needed to be taken care of since my husband and i have health issues at the same time.

    Might be handy those trics.... but....is blogging not all about a hobby? So it should not be something you force unto yourself?

    have a nice weekend

    Melody (abc-w-team)

  12. quite informative... hard to follow but still wud try and keep the points in mind


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