Tuesday 26 September 2023

Losing Track Of Time

They asked her to focus on work.

She was not the type to shirk.

Serious about responsibilities,

Losing track of time in liabilities.

Her dreams were smothered.

But, she was no longer bothered!

She was head over heels in love!

Losing track of time hand in glove.

Source: Unsplash

She thought she was on track!

Little did she know of the sack-

She had been saddled all the while!

Losing track of time in style!

Hours, months & years had flown

Her contribution was unknown.

She was still on track- she thought.

Losing track of time while she fought...

Linking with- 

Friday Writings#95- Losing Track of Time

Sometimes I feel that the years have whizzed by and that I have lost track of time. Do you too? 

Do share in the comments below.


  1. Keeping track of time is useful at work. Outside that I love losing track of time. Being in love is the best way to lose track of track of time

    1. Thanks for reading & sharing, Marja.
      True that accounting time is very important.
      But, what to do when one falls in love with work & loses track of time & also of self.

  2. If she saves some money, she'll be free to follow her dreams when the job's over.

    1. Great solution. So much in this world revolves around money.
      What to do when someone is already in a dream-job that one loves & is not looking for money. Losing track of time and having lost many years in the quest/chase/race is the concern.

  3. I think if she feels genuinely that she's on track then it's fine ...especially when she loses track of time ...cause that means she is enjoying her work. Being known and unknown is only a matter of time

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, reading & sharing your insightful views.
      Agree with you.
      We are what we tell ourselves.
      Keep doing everything with focus. Time does fly away.
      At the end, one knows what one has been up to. And, of course, God is watching.


Your words mean a lot to me.

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