
Thursday 16 July 2015

What's Cooking?

She had heard so much about that enticing recipe from her family, who had tasted the sweet-dish in its birthplace, that she wanted to experience it herself.

Her life was no longer boring as she derived succor in her experiments, though she met with little success, trying to create the dish that no one knew how to prepare...

As her desire was scorching her day and night, despite severe opposition from her family, she went in quest of that secret recipe like a girl possessed.

PHOTO PROMPT- Magpie Tales
The dark road didn't deter her as she could sense the rays of knowledge and the fragrant aroma of the sweet-dish round the corner.

PHOTO PROMPT- © Sandra Crook
PHOTO PROMPT- © Sandra Crook
She was not lonely anymore when she reached her destination as she was confident that she would sweet-talk her way and soon learn what's cooking & how!

Note- Dedicating this story to Rasgulla/Rasagola, a sweet-dish that's loved all over the world.
Did you know that Odisha in India is the birthplace of the Rasgulla? 
We are celebrating this July 30th, which is also the International Day of Friendship, as the maiden Rasagola Dibasa- a day in honour of the yummy Rasagola!
Rasagola - A delicious sweet that originated in Odisha, India

Five Sentences- Linking with-
Friday Fictioneers
Magpie Tales
Five Sentence Fiction- Scorching
Three Word Wednesday- Boring, Dark, Lonely
Blog-a-Rhythm- What's Cooking?


  1. This story was as special as the rasgullah :)

  2. Nyc way of writing anita. Hope you keep bringing us more with sweet aroma as this. Thank You.

  3. I thought the birth place of rasgulla was Kolkata . Loved how you wove the story around two prompts.

  4. A very nice tale...cleverly linked to blogrolls :)

  5. Delectable tale like the mouth watering Rasgulla, enshrined in our culture:)

  6. very nice tale Anita... And yes, just a year back, I got to know that Rasgulla had its origin in Odhisha... All these years we thought its origin was in Bengal :)

    And it goes without saying I love Rasgullas....

  7. Especially like how you included all the prompts in this one. Great!

  8. A great take, Prompt Queen. Liked the gripping mystery. :)

  9. That's a very imaginative take on the prompt, good story, I love it.

  10. Love the collaboration of prompts, you've created a lovey story of discovery and adventure.

  11. With a few rasagullas under her belt, I'm sure she can sweet-talk her way anywhere :)

  12. Dear Anita,

    A sweet tale indeed.



  13. I love Rasgullas and this is super story soul-sis :)

  14. I love the sweet syrupy rasogollas just like your story !!!

  15. I also learnt a few months back that the origin of Rasagollas is not Bengal and I am sure many still does not know that... Thanks for the info.. nice story .. ;)


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