
Tuesday 27 June 2023

Self Promotion #IAmRemarkable

When I first started blogging, I came across the term- "SSP" on the blogging community- IndiBlogger's forum.

SSP means- "Shameless Self Promotion"!

If a blogger shared her/his blog link in social media posts and replies, then she/he is indulging in SSP! Obviously, it is not particularly encouraging to be branded so! 

I still got tagged as indulging in SSP sometimes as I shared my blog posts, and that made me conscious.

But, blog posts are supposed to be shared, right?

It is true that Self Promotion (SP) is looked down and dismissed by many.

Now, it takes a lot for some people like me to even share our blog post links on social media! 

First, you feel you are putting in Herculean effort for sharing posts, and even for replying with blog-links to queries, and being a Good Samaritan by sharing all answers that have been neatly shared in your blog-post!

What happens after that? Get branded as a trumpet-blower and part of the SSP gang!

And then get avoided like the plague! :)

Self Promotion makes it possible to be boycotted!

Who even wants to face and live through such adverse possibilities?

We have been always raised being encouraged to adopt a "be humble" attitude. 

"Studies show that women are often hesitant to self-promote or share their accomplishments due to the fear of being seen as arrogant. "

"Let your work speak for itself."

"Empty vessels make the most noise".

"Pride comes before a fall".

Praise others, but do not praise yourself! Speaking of your achievements and promoting self is "boasting". 

Why even be proud and brag of your work? When others speak about you, it is more elegant and graceful and holds much weight.

One is so conditioned with all this right from childhood that when others are praising you, you actually ask them to stop it! You encourage being self-deprecating and modest.

Padma Shri Sabarmatee hardly has any social media updates. She is like my elder sister and I am fortunate to interact with her regularly in meetings and discuss over phone-calls. All her online presence, and the articles and reports about her have been written by others- especially by the media, those considered the most credible. It was her birthday and I had called her to wish. She was surprised how I knew it was her birthday. I informed her that Facebook had informed! I casually remarked that she must have got so many wish-messages there! That is when she said that she never checks that! In fact, her account had been opened by one of their volunteers when she was not aware! When I asked her, why she does not share about her work and achievements on social media, she said- "If I indulge in all this sharing, when will I have the focus and time to do the real work?"

Padma Shri Sabarmatee's work is unique and not many are doing what is doing, and definitely cannot match her scale, dedication or prowess. 

But, what about normal people like you and me?

Over the years I have realised that many people, who know about you and your work, and who got inspired and influenced by you, do not even mention the source of their new-found inspiration or ideas!

Ideas and credit are smartly usurped and appropriated and you do not even get a deserving mention in "their work"!

In fact, many go to great lengths to ensure that all traces of your contribution are permanently deleted from records and memory. Your name is resolutely omitted from the "credits" and "acknowledgment" section.

Such intentional takeover is observed even in this digital age when there is online documentation regarding contribution.
Some other people, especially senior women, who are aware of such unfair happenings said that I would have got better treatment and credit had I been a male. In our society, women do not get their due. They were reflecting on their lives in which they did not get their rightful credit, and males hogged the limelight for their work.

Source: Google

#IAmRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

In February this year, I had attended the #IAmRemarkable masterclass organized by Team Women's Web in association with Executive Coach, Ms Neelima Chakara.

Firmly yet gently, our coach had shared several points in her engaging presentation countering the bottlenecks faced by many of us. 
She had shared and tried to convince that-
" 'I' is not always negative."
"If you won't share your success, who will?"
"It is not bragging if it is based on truth."

Many of us are on the same non-SP boat! 
SP has been challenging and has been quietly shoved under the carpet and inside the cupboard!
"Old habits die hard". 
It will need constant monitoring and awareness to swim out of the non-SP sea.
And yet, we are the only people who can do so. 
No one will do this non-SP to SP travel for us.

In her latest email, Ms Neelima has shared about this BBC article-

The BBC article suggests the following Self Promotion points:

+ Tell your story, talk about achievements. 

+ Make self-promotion a part of the work schedule

+ Share progress updates and work info. 

+ Create easily accessible documentation

Share about the value of your contribution.

Share being vocal of your successes via email with supervisors.

+ Reflect correct updated information.

+ Volunteer as a mentor and supporter.

+ Work for right delivery and platform.

+ Practice makes perfect.

Do you believe in and practice Self Promotion? Or do you feel indulging in it is Shameless Self Promotion (SSP)? Please share your views in the comments below.

Ms Neelima ( )- is hosting the #IAmRemarkable workshop, which is a global movement that aims to empower everyone, including underrepresented groups, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond while challenging the social perceptions around self-promotion. During this 90-minute workshop, you will learn -
  • the importance of self-promotion in your personal and professional life, and
  • be equipped with tools to develop this skill. 
Those interested, can register here to book their slot -


  1. I think self-promotion is a means of owning and communicating your achievements.

    1. Yes. Thanks for sharing.
      Many of us own our actions and achievements, but communicating and sharing is not being done by many.

  2. Each to their own. I used to self promote my blog when I started blogging in 2010. It is exhausting for *me*. People will find your blog in Google blogshere.

    1. Thank you for your maiden visit for for sharing your views.
      I agree that sharing info is truly exhausting.
      Many times, I simply share my points here on blog. Don't even know if these are being read.
      True that- Those who are searching, may stumble on our blog posts in blogosphere!
      Provided they search well as posts are available on the basis of their ranking/popularity/relevance etc as determined & showcased by online search-results.

  3. When I first ventured into the world of blogging, I eagerly joined a few blogging communities. However, I couldn't help but notice that some individuals, known as SSP Monitors, seemed to be constantly mocking those who engaged in self-promotion of their blog posts. This experience left me feeling quite self-conscious about promoting my own content.

    I do acknowledge that there are some individuals who misuse self-promotion opportunities to spam others, and that is certainly not a positive practice. However, I strongly believe that for new bloggers, self-promotion is an essential and effective way to get their work noticed and discovered by a wider audience. It allows us to share our passions, creativity, and insights with others who might genuinely find value in what we have to offer. Embracing self-promotion thoughtfully and responsibly can be a stepping stone to building a supportive and engaged readership for our blogs.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, reading, and for sharing your candid views, Felicia.
      Totally agree with you.

      SSP is not considered good and can get you mocked at and targeted.
      That can be terrible for a newbie blogger whose self-confidence and enthusiasm may be shattered.
      For effective communication, we need to create our own group, those who share our beliefs and values and of course, understand our genuine intention.
      This will certainly not happen overnight and needs a lot of thought and effort on our part. Nevertheless, it is a great experience. Happy to be on this blogging journey and to discover, meet and explore :)


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