
Thursday 4 May 2023

5 Tips To Shine On Camera

Covid-era has come with its fair share of technology dependence.

Whether it is using Zoom or Google Meet for online meetings, or sharing social media posts and videos on the multiple platforms like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc, content-creators need to take care of some tips.

Many have become pro; however, there are some who need to be guided about the basics.

While we are all learning, additional points and takeways from experts can help. 

Two months ago, it was great to receive these helpful tips via email from Team Animoto.

Sharing them here for the benefit of all-

                           3, 2, 1, action!

external mic
Use an external mic and camera for crisp, clear, and professional audio and visuals. Even using the mic of your headphones can make a huge difference!
face a window
Record while facing a window to capture the beauty of natural diffused lighting and look great on screen.
look at webcam
Look directly at the webcam as you speak to “make eye contact” and create a personal connection with your audience.
write script
Write a script so you know exactly what to say and feel more confident while on screen.
record multiple takes
Record multiple “takes”. Don't worry about getting it all in one shot. Record a few takes and stitch them together in Animoto.

Courtesy- Animoto

Were you aware of these tips?
Which ones do you follow?
Please share in the comments below.


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