
Tuesday 28 June 2022

Are You There?

It was late.

His daughter had still not returned from work.

He called her many times.

Her phone went unanswered. 

It was quite unusual of Anna.


Peter was worried.

He went looking for Anna.

Photo Prompt- John Nixon

Anna ran a second-hand store in the mall.

The door was open.

Peter walked in.

No one was there.

Had Anna left?

He asked aloud, “Are you there, Anna?”


And, then, Peter saw the mannequin.

He was startled to see that it totally resembled Anna.

Was it there the last time he had visited her store? 

He couldn’t remember.

Peter redialled Anna's number.

Her phone rang.

What do you think happened? Where was Anna? What should her father Peter do now?

100 words story for Friday Fictioneers


  1. Anna, I think, has become second hand

  2. Dear Anita,
    Sounds like Anna is something more than just another girl.


  3. Oh dear, oh dear, that doesn't bode well. My guess is that Anna invited the store manager from Margaret's story over...

  4. Looks like the 1987 movie Mannequin. A young artist creates a mannequin and his creation comes to life.

  5. I think Anna went to help a fellow shopkeeper that had become ill. I like the concern her father has for her safety. This has a great many angles that could be explored. Nicely penned, Anita.

  6. Oopppsss … I’m anonymous 😀 I didn’t see anything that said to sign in. Anyway, it’s Isadora. 😎


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