
Wednesday 8 September 2021

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

"It's you, again!" the border security-officer encountered Raunaq.

It was Raunaq's fifth cross-border trip via his truck that month.


Photo Prompt- Sandra Crook

"Am sure you are smuggling something inside this stack of hay”.

"Please check, officer. I’ll wait." Raunaq confidently said just like he had said before. 

The border-force checked.

They even used metal-detectors.

Nothing was found.

All papers were in place.

Raunaq was taking hay as cattle-fodder.

He was allowed.


The officer still wondered- what was Raunaq smuggling…?

Raunaq chuckled.

They could have never guessed the number of trucks fully filled with petrol that Raunaq had managed to smuggle all those months!

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers

This story is inspired by a Mullah Nasruddin story that I had read long ago. 

In that story, a wise man named Mullah Nasruddin managed to smuggle donkeys across the desert! He was an honest smuggler and confided in the border-security inspector after the latter's retirement. He smartly evaded duties over the years! I don't remember exactly what he was carrying on the donkey. But, I think it was perhaps hay! :)

There is a saying- "Make hay while the sun shines".

It means- "Act when an opportunity exists; Take action when a situation is favorable."

Have you ever smuggled anything? How did it feel? Please do share in the comments below.


  1. I'm a big fan of the Mullah Nasrudin stories too

  2. Great take on the picture. I love the ending.

  3. HeHeHe. Interesting story. Liked it.

  4. Dear Anita,

    The answer was right in front of the officer. Good one.



  5. A man who enjoys a bit of danger, eh? Smart, though, and never caught..yet..

    No, never smuggled anything.

  6. Excellent Anita, Raunaq clearly feels very pleased with himself!

    Here's mine!

  7. I don't abilities should I furnish you with much obliged! i am inside and out stunned by your article. You saved my time. Much appreciated 1,000,000 for sharing this content.

  8. There is a version of this story which is part of the plot for an episode of Perry Mason. In this case, it's a boy riding a bicyle across the border between the US and Mexico. The border guard checks his knapsack each time, finding nothing. The boy is, of course, smuggling bicyles. I hadn't heard the Mullah Nasrudan version.
    Raunaq has solved the "how to smuggle trucks full of petrol" puzzle!


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