
Thursday 17 September 2020

That Wooden Chair

Rizzy answered the bell to find a strange looking person standing at her door. 

“I want that wooden chair.”

“Which one?”

"The one in your attic.” 

Rizzy was startled. 

“What about it? Wait! How do you know about that wooden chair? And that it’s in the attic?

“I scanned a while ago.”

Image - Roger Bultot

“It’s no longer here. Just left it in the backyard for disposal.”

His eyes moved from top to bottom. He had scanned again! 

“You’re right. Thanks.”

After a while, there was neither the wooden chair nor the keen person. 

She simply couldn’t believe the CCTV footage.

100 words story for Friday Fictioneers.

What did Rizzy see in the CCTV footage? What was the mystery of the man and the chair? Do share in the comments below.


  1. Well, he's left me befuddled, so I can imagine she's even more confused!

  2. All seems a bit creepy. What's next? The toilet?

  3. I immediately thought he might be someone from Star Trek in disguise with all the scanning. Maybe the homeowner will be watching his favourite TV programme and the TV will suddenly be beamed up :-)

  4. Dear Anita,

    It all remains a mystery to me.



  5. Interesting...enjoyed going through your blog


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