
Wednesday 19 February 2020

The Homely Fight

The young couple was fighting again for a different reason. 

It was about the ownership of their house that was in the hsuband's name.

He said, "Everyone has a house. So do you."

"So what? Very few have a home... A home that they can call their own", she said.
PHOTO PROMPT © Dawn Miller
"Home is where the hearth is", he quipped.

"Home is where one's heart is", she said.


Where was their conversation heading? 

The writer put her pen down. 

She felt blessed for her space where she could write peacefully...

And make the couple fight every week for her weekly column! 

100 Words Story for Friday Fictioneers

When does a house become a home? Do you pick up fights or do you avoid them? 
Do share in the comments below.


  1. I thought of a child with an ants' nest between plates of glass

  2. If they can't agree whose house it is, it will never be a home

  3. Dear Anita,

    A quiet space is a good thing for a writer to be thankful for.



  4. Quiet space - a blessing indeed.

  5. I think a home is something more than a house, it is more a feeling of comfort and belonging. Nice piece of pondering!

  6. Living alone, my home has become my best friend.

    Here's mine!

  7. lol, a fictional fight in a piece of fiction. Glad she had a quiet place to sit and write it instead of the turmoil she was writing about...

  8. Fiction that does indeed reflect reality. Deeply sad.

    And I'm very thankful to share a house/home with a husband who respects my need to be alone when I'm writing.

  9. It sounds as if they have a bigger difference than deciding what a home is. Well done!

  10. One cannot overly appreciate the quiet spaces..

  11. Ah, I wasn't expecting that ending! Nicely done, Anita.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  12. Fiction inside the fiction....maybe inside the fiction? If someone is writing my life story, I beg them to do few improvements. :D

  13. I hate it when I don't know how to wrap a story up. The writer needs coffee or something. I'm guessing she has a deadline. Oh the pressure.

  14. Great piece. Loved the line, "Blessed for her space where she could write peacefully," Thank God for my corner of the room. In some ways this piece made me laugh, Husband and Wife fighting, wait till their children grow up to be teenagers. There's some real fighting then. At least now Hubby takes my side.

  15. Home is where you make it, perhaps it's not possible if you're arguing all the time. Interesting take on the prompt.

  16. The end brought a smile!A good one.


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