
Wednesday 15 May 2019

Just Keep Swimming

“Ready! Get, set, go!”
The moment Sita uttered these words, the little ones jumped into their respective tracks in the pool.
PHOTO PROMPT - Rochelle Wisoff-Fields
Having adopted these orphans, Sita provided them shelter and food.
They had to fulfil her long-cherished dream.
They had to earn medals for their country.
Sita put in a lot of effort to train them.

Sita had been selected to represent her state in the swimming championships.
Her dream of representing her country could never come true.
A terrible road-accident crippled her, confining her to the wheel-chair...

Sita’s spirit never drowned.

“Just keep swimming!” she encouraged her young pupils. 

Do you think Sita's dream will come true? Do share in the comments below.
I love the quote "Just keep swimming!" from the movie- Finding Nemo, don't you? 

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers


  1. There's something just so wrong about living your dreams through your children. Nicely painted, Anita

  2. I loved how you showed her commitment in the face of her personal tragedy, Anita.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  3. I hope her determination doesn't tip over into pressurising the children. Passion can easily turn to obsession, and living out her dreams through others may be dangerous - but at least she is providing for the orphans.

  4. Hopefully her vicariously living through the children means they are also well cared for and not just being used...

  5. If the children love to swim and compete, all is well. If they have no choice, then we have a problem.

  6. Dear Anita,

    I hope Sita's children love swimming as much as she did. Well done.



  7. That would be hard, to be that close to your passion but not able to participate, but it's nice that she has found a way to give back to the next generation and pass on her knowledge. Good story.

  8. Hope your passion for the sport and unfulfilled desires get fulfilled through the glories of her wards. Good feel good story, Anita

  9. I wonder if she is doing the right thing though... the orphan might have other dreams.

  10. I find her inspiring; Turning a bad thing into something positive. More people should do this. I speak from personal experience, the story hit home ��.

  11. Adopted for a reason. I can only hope there's some love, not just ambition.

    Rosey, a joke and some wine!.

  12. I am not sure I agree with her motivation in adopting the children...

  13. I like the words 'keep swimming' and rest would follow!

  14. Her disappointment drives her. Hopefully, she does not put undue pressure to win the country meet on the children unless it is their own dream. Feel sad for Sita.

  15. She has given them a safe home and a way to build self esteem. Good story.

  16. I worry about those little orphans. What if they want to do something else?

  17. It's a good motto to have for life 'just keep swimming'.


Your words mean a lot to me.