
Wednesday 6 March 2019

The Free Soul #writebravely #celebratewritetribe

She felt she was different from the rest.
She wanted to do something unique.
 Image : Pexels
But, they made her dance to their tunes and broke her spirit.

She always wished for serenity and freedom - freedom to think, act, be...

The more they suppressed her, the more her feelings strengthened.

One fine day, she found a sudden transformation - a change that made her celebrate.

She had nine lives!

Now that she was free, she yearned to apply her skills and free her sisters from the bondage.

The question was - like her, would they pay the cost to be free?
"The function of freedom is to free someone else" – Toni Morrison
Happy Women's Day in advance to all the ladies! 
Some women manage to break free, but are others willing to learn/follow their example?
Is it fine to yearn for freedom and transform yourself in the process? 
Do share your comments below.

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers
I’m Writing Bravely for the Write Tribe Festival of Words – March 2019


  1. Dear Anita,

    It's all about finding ourselves isn't it. Nicely done. Happy Woman's Day.



  2. I'm glad she's free, although wouldn't it be nice to just be free without having to transform oneself to achieve it. It should just be a right for all.

  3. I'm very happy in my traditional non-traditional life. For me, it is my freedom.Traditional marriage, four kids, teaching, more school, now a counselor. I love my life. I believe every woman can find her personal freedom some way, some how. Of course, I realize there are those caught in horrendous situations that eliminate their freedom. They are the ones the rest of us need to help. I'm thankful that in my work, I can be a part of that mission.

    Sorry for going on so long :) Your post clearly touched a nerve for me. Well done.

  4. A story with a message, which all women should heed to!

  5. Excellent transformation and resolve to help others achieve the same.

  6. I like the way you've used the prompt.
    Freedom is a great concept, but a very slippery one. We all have so many influences - from our genes, through our upbringing, to our place in society where we're subjected to relentless advertising and propaganda. Personally, I find it easier to define constraints on freedom that are intolerable, especially slavery/forced labour and domestic abuse, and campaign against them.
    Good topic you chose as your subject!

  7. We all must dig deep to see and aspire to our own freedom. Moving use of the prompt.

  8. Well done!
    And ...
    May the cost of freedom not be quite so steep ...

  9. Everyone has to pay the price to be free. There is no exception.

  10. Change has to stem from within and there's price for the change. The transformation and the freedom at the end of the process however is worth every pain!
    Wonderful take on the prompt.

  11. Happy Women's Day!!!

    I wonder what the freedom of having 9 lives would feel like? Would it be worth it? I'll never know the answer.


  12. Nice metaphor for change: nine lives. And how high the price, how great the pain sometimes. Reminds me of Comets Nine Lives, a childrens book about an unfortunate cat who at last found happiness. My daughter loved it!

  13. The notion of freedom is an area for huge philosophical discussion .
    Many in captivity have said that they were never more free.
    It's an inner dialogue for all of us.
    Love your response to the prompt with reference to the cat- bringing in nine lives.

  14. Beautiful writing, Anita. I love that she is finally free!


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