
Wednesday 19 September 2018

A Lesson From The Umbrellas

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

The College Annual Day was a fortnight away.
Students of different religions had different views.

The Principal wanted each student to participate in some way.
There was a notice asking every student to lend her/his umbrella for the decoration.
Attendance was compulsory. Students were to collect their umbrellas after the celebration.

The Annual Day presented a colourful picture with umbrellas of different colours in neat rows above.
PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson
Seeing the sunlight and interesting sight and the cool shade and multi-coloured light, the Principal addressed, "Together we look bright and attractive just like our umbrellas. Let’s accept, tolerate and coexist harmoniously..."

What prevents us from a peaceful and united existence? Do share in the comments below.
100 words story for Friday Fictioneers.


  1. Dear Anita,

    A message we could all benefit from if we would only heed.



  2. I love the message. We need as much respect for each other as possible.

  3. The Principal has sent a strong and pertinent message to the students who are the backbone of the nations. A thought provoking story.

  4. We need those common way to celebrate... next year it will not need to be compulsory... everyone will come anyway,

  5. Beautiful message and picture Anita! I love colorful umbrellas as well. Something very cheerful about them :)

  6. Nice message via story of Umbrella ��

  7. I love the ending. I hope the students remembered this lesson throughout their lives.

  8. Nothing wrong with that message at all. If we're excellent to each other, we can't go wrong. What a lovely take on the picture. Jilly, Sugar on the Bee

  9. If only it were possible just to enjoy each other's colors and shapes.

  10. Very positive message. Nicely penned.

  11. True. Flowers of multiple colors coexist in a flower vase.


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