
Sunday 31 December 2017

This New Year 2018...

Are you grounded by responsibility?
Or the past & wallowing in self-pity?
Or over-burdened with excuses?
Or feeling like a pawn in a game of Chess?

Time to fly! Come on, defy gravity!
Discover & recognize the #AuraOfPositivity!
Conquer the sky 🌌 & the world 🌎 anew!
The Universe is waiting to embrace you!
A new year is arriving and is almost here!
New day, new week, new month, new year!
Do the best you can; every moment is dear!
May this new year be filled with comfort & cheer!

Keep your spirit & determination strong,
Journey on the road to glory may take long.
I wish you love, peace, joy, health, happiness,
Courage, faith, gratitude, enthusiasm, confidence...
May we be armed with all the above in our kit,
When challenges as opportunities pay us a visit!
This new year, may our positive outlook help us cope,
Happy New Year! 365 days have tremendous scope!

Note- Initially written as an answer for @AuraOfThoughts on Twitter 

What would you wish your loved ones this new year? Do share in the comments below.


  1. I hope your New Years is wonderful too!

    1. Thank you so much! Wish you a great year ahead :)

  2. Lovely message, wish you the same

    1. Glad you liked it. Thank you so much for stopping by :)
      Happy New Year!

  3. Feeling amazing reading this poem with New Year wish. May thete be peace, happiness and prosperity everywhere! May everyone be happy! Happy New Year, Anita :-)

  4. 365 does sound like a big number...think about what you can accomplish in just a day!

    Happy New Year, Anita. Those are some worthy words to make a post out of 😊


Your words mean a lot to me.