
Monday 31 August 2015

Devils Abode

“The cemetery spread along the area known as Devils Abode.”

I, a banker, spent my free hours at the cemetery.
© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham
© 2015, Barbara W. Beacham ; Photo Prompt- MFTS

People thought I was crazy and that they shouldn't trust me with their money.

"If the banker is so fond of Devils Abode, he must be a devil himself!" they reasoned.

Others, who already had accounts in my bank & had deposited jewelry and precious belongings in my bank's lockers for safekeeping, wanted to withdraw.

PHOTO PROMPT - ©Claire Fuller
 © Claire Fuller PHOTO PROMPT- Friday Fictioneers
An inquisitive scribe interviewed me while I was at Devils Abode.

"Why are you so fond of Devils Abode, Mr.Banker?"

"I come to Devils Abode to remind myself of life's lesson- Riches are temporary. No person carries cash or lockers to the after-life... Somehow I feel at peace here at the cemetery where the souls are resting in peace. There are no material pursuits or misjudgment about my character by anyone here!"

Linking with-

Mondays Finish The Story (MFTS)
Friday Fictioneers
WriteTribe - #MondayMusings


  1. Excellent analogy. Nice post Anita.. :-)

  2. Would you believe me if I say I have the same liking to sit in a cemetery for hours.... There was a cemetery near to my college where I used to visit with my friends... Its really very peaceful and the feeling is beyond words.... nice to hear that from you....

    Kindly view my new post

  3. I avoid cemetery's when I can. They frighten me. Good story

  4. Two prompts for the price of one! Good story!

  5. If only all bankers shared this philosophy. Well done!!!

  6. Interesting how you used both prompts. Bankers, considered devils, pretty normal around here these days. Too bad they don't all buy into his philosophy, as Debbie said.
    Well done!

  7. Great blending of challenges Anita! The philosophy - so true! Thanks for adding another story to the collection and be well... ^..^

  8. Great story with a great moral! You used some wisdom writing this.

  9. ~the ending was really good! :D I usually see bankers as evil people *hehe* but you changed that :)

  10. Such a great post to emphasize the silliness of material things.

  11. Such an important message...The riches and temporal pleasures ultimately amount to nothing, we all have to end up the same way after all..

  12. Wow Anita!! Loved the way you combined the two prompts. and just loved this story.

  13. AT least in there no one can rob you or hurt you ...

    and a lovely message you have conveyed .. all the wordly good will be left here all we will have is ourself and t obe remmebered we need to be good human beings


  14. Hey Anita, i was taken aback, when you wrote, "is banker a devil"? I am a banker. and loved the way you later did the analogy. Very true. loved it. Kudos to u.

  15. You said it, nothing is permanent neither beauty nor wealth. And, the devil banker lives on!


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