
Sunday 10 May 2015

Queer Intent

"But why do you want to be an astronaut?" her Fairy Godmother asked Mary quizzically.

"I have many queries for God...", Mary answered.
Photo Prompt: Magpie Tales

Her Fairy Godmother felt it queer that Mary believed that she'll get to meet God in a space-trip and what's more even get to ask questions!

Then as her Fairy Godmother recollected her personal quest for God, memories flooded her brain that she had been quite adamant to reach God and she had succeeded!

Her Fairy Godmother quietly waved her magic wand and granted Mary's wish.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Selected as a WOW Post HERE.
Also Linking with-
Two Shoes in Texas- Intent
Magpie Tales
Five Sentence Fiction- Memories
ABC Wednesday- Q For Queries, Questions, Quest, Queer, Quizzically, Quite, Quietly
IndiSpire Edition#68 - #QuestionsForGod

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. As the saying, 'Destiny leads us to what we strongly desire, in whatever way we proceed', may Mary be able to meet the God as the Fairy Godmother could :) It's a lovely story, dear :)

  2. Imagination and innovation at work. Well done.

  3. I wonder if all astronauts have fairy godmothers.

  4. everyone is having so much fun with this! Very well done!

  5. I wish I had such a fairy Godmother too...
    Nice one!

  6. Thankyou mushroom god mother , said Ripley

  7. A beautiful story that leaves a smile on the face. Magical:)

  8. adamant and succeeded--very inspiring.

  9. I need a fairy god mother toooooooooooo :)
    a lovely little story anita


  10. A chance to meet fairy Godmother in space. Tale well woven.

  11. This story piques so many imaginings. That photo is an incredible prompt. If your intent was to provoke thought, you did it well, Anita.

  12. Technology is often a great impediment to faith when belief is confounded by reason. This is because we have such small minds.

  13. What a wonderful and delightful wish! As one who has a long list of questions to ask our Creator some day, I can understand the longing to be able to do that, and perhaps becoming an astronaut would bring one that much closer. I particularly liked how you combined unlikely elements - a fairy godmother, an astronaut, and the Divine and made it into a very readable story. Great job!! :-)

  14. Very imaginative and filled with reality. Who wouldn't want a Fairy Godmother to help out with life and who doesn't have questions for the Creator? Maybe there is someone but they must be a bit boring. Good story.

  15. Fun response to the prompt. It was a good one, wasn't it?


  16. Meeting god in a space trip. Interesting! Does God wear spacesuit? :-)

  17. Your creativity is superb Soul-sis :)

  18. That's a good one Anita..Thanks for the prompt :)

  19. Beautiful imagination. Its inspiring post. Superlike. :-)

  20. You need to share some imagination tips with us. :)

  21. nice story , I hope she get her answer from God

  22. Very nice post ...
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