
Sunday 4 January 2015


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 50; the fiftieth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. In association with ​Soulmates: Love without ownership by Vinit K Bansal. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton.

When Lisa's groom did not turn up at the wedding, one of the guests, Asok, volunteered to marry her that date in January, in case she was willing.

Lisa said YES and Asok and Lisa were soon man and wife.

Years passed and Lisa and Asok celebrated many anniversaries and gathered fond memories during their journey together and nostalgia that lasted like a comfortable pair of Jeans...

On their 50th wedding anniversary- Golden Jubilee, people wondered how they kept their love for one another so fresh!

Lisa and Asok knew they were soulmates, who wished to make every moment of their relationship & their life special and bask in the golden glow forever, inspiring others too...

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: XX

Also linking with -
WOW- January, Jeans & Journey
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Five Sentence Fiction- Fresh
Two Shoes In Texas- Nostalgia
ABC Wednesday- Y for Yes, Years


  1. I think my hubby and I are soul mates. We were once told that we had been together in a former life.

  2. Very nice post! Soulmates indeed...that's y earlier groom didn't turn up! :P :) All d best for Blog-a-ton 50!

  3. A different take on the theme dear... It has come out very well. Congratulations :) And wish you all the best for taking part in the blog-a-ton...
    There are a few such true life incidents. I always wonder is that possible??? But, they have proven it is possible.
    TC! Keep smiling :)

  4. Soulmates indeed! Nice story, Anita. :)

  5. Short and sweet :) All the best.

  6. Yes, the YEARS passed by!


  7. That's a beautiful love story. It reminds me of a real life story that someone narrated to me and related to marriage.

  8. Soulmates eh? Such a lovely, warm story. Although, between you and me, I don't believe in the concept ;)

  9. Too compact n too appealing :) 50 years !! aaahh I love it :)

  10. good story combining so many prompts

    My Five Sentence Fiction Fresh Start

    My Blogaton#50 entry Soulmates

  11. Nice write up! Completing 50 years together is actually a blessing!
    all the best for BAT 50. :-)


  12. A great blog i have see of the day.... this is really a good blog... and for this story this is a warm and superb...

  13. oh my.. both the soulmates in our stories complete their 50 :D haha! Awesome!

  14. In this age where relationships don't last much, it's nice to read about people who take commitments seriously. Beautifully written, Anita.

  15. Hopefully wish all have such golden celebrations :)

  16. I wish everybody in this world find their soul mate just as Lisa found hers. A short and sweet story. I liked the use of the phrase, 'like a comfortable pair of jeans'. A relation like this is one among the many. All the best, Anita. :)

  17. True love lasts a lifetime and more... short yet beautiful.

    All the best for BAT!



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