
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Note The Depression

She noted he was depressed, but she never asked him why.
She had resolved never to ask so as advised by Stephen Fry.

"Depression isn't a straightforward response to a bad situation;
Depression is just like the weather", is Stephen Fry's opinion.

She tried to probe & understand what he was going through.
Why, though their life was perfect & fine, was he feeling blue?

It's tough to cope with depression or be a friend of such a patient. 
She tried to be kind & noble, was by his side & her arm & ear she lent.

He didn't share a word about what was going on in his mind.
Despite her best efforts, his pre-Depression self she didn't find.

Poem for-
Two Shoes in Texas- Note
International Bloggers Association
ABC Wednesday- N For Note

Depression is a disease and many are suffering from it. The number of patients is increasing...

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day
October 10th is World Mental Health Day

What is the cure for Depression?


  1. You are very beautifully expressed the emotions of a person going through depression and his near and dear ones.

    1. Thanks Kiran.
      Depression is afflicting many & needs proper treatment. Sad when accomplished people fall in its trap.

  2. A very Well written, A G+ for your post and Have a Nice Day... :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) Glad you liked it.
      You have a wonderful day too:)

  3. Depression increases or strengthens when left alone probably. Having even one ready to listen, to understand is definitely a cure. I was expecting the usual endings you do. Well penned Anita :)

    1. True Shanx. Thanks :)
      Depression has claimed the lives of many, including Hollywood star, Robin Williams.
      I tried to write this from a patient's wife's perspective...

  4. Depression is usually 'anger' turned inward ~ needs professional help ~ We can only be supportive and get on with our lives ~ (I worked as former psych prof and therapist) ~ Much needed post to make people aware ~ Happy Week to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks a lot, Carol.
      As a former psych prof & therapist, you must have handled so many cases...
      Thanks for sharing your experience.

  5. Beautifully weaved with pretty good message

  6. You described depressiom very well. I myself had no time to be depressed, because I had to live with a husband who suffered of it. Only when he took his medicines he could live a happy life. Fortunately he realised that it was better for him and for me and the childrem to take medicines regularly.
    Have a great week!
    Wil, ABCW Team.

    1. Thank you for sharing your personal experience, Wil.
      Yes, therapy & medicines can work.
      May no one have time to be depressed...

  7. Depression is so sad, but God is true and more than conquers illness of all kind. Thanks for the prayer of agreement. ;)

    1. Thanks for sharing your hopeful & positive words, Mary.
      May we conquer all illness.

  8. Sad for the person affected and his near and dear ones..I think only professional help will find a cure.

    1. Yes indeed. Professional help is much needed.
      Thanks for sharing.

  9. Your well-written poem makes such an important point. For those who love someone suffering from depression it can be. Very difficult to understand and to know how to respond. It doesn't always make clear sense, and they are often not able to make sense of it themselves. If you think someone is struggling with depression, encourage them to get professional help before the consequences become dire. Great job on this, Anita!

    1. Thanks Josie for sharing & for the prompt opportunity :)
      Yes, professional help is needed.
      Many times, the depressed people themselves don't know that they are depressed.
      Their family & friends need to recognize the signs of depressions, make sense of this dreaded new-age disease & be pro-active.

  10. point well made via lovely poem

  11. Sometimes I think depression is a natural result of being hyper-sensitive to the many sad things around you. Thanks for writing this poem and raising awareness of mental illness.

    1. Yes, Val. You have a point. Thanks for sharing your views.

  12. If only we were compassionate enough to everyone around us. We never know their story or their struggles.

    1. Very true, Red.
      As the quote goes-
      "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

  13. Very nicely written, Anita. Depressed people have to be handled with lots of attention and affection.
    I have nominated you for Liebster Accept it:) For rules visit:

    1. Anu, thanks a lot for sharing your views.
      Congrats to you for the Liebster Award.
      Thank you so much for nominating me. Will accept after the pending ones :)

  14. Depression is the saddest thing happen to any one. It has many consequences such as memory loss, sleep deprivation, absence of feelings, Hair falls etc. No matter you take medicine, do meditation, regenerate your positive spirit but the damage cannot be fulfilled. May no one have time to suffer from depression.

    Well written Anita....:)

    1. Thanks for sharing all this info, Priyashi.
      Very true. May we all be so busy & never have time to suffer...

  15. Depression puts one to a vicious cycle of sloth+emptiness... I guess watching SAB TV helps :-P
    Jokes apart, one should try to avoid negative companies if not negative thoughts :-/

    1. Thanks Anunoy for your wise words :)
      SAB TV will be pleased :)
      Yes, we need to avoid negative company & have positive thoughts.

  16. Very inspiring lines Anita :) You are awesome as always! May be going back to the ages of dhyana-mudra-yoga-pranayama can be the best way to protect ourselves from these mental health issues...

    TC! Keep smiling :)

    1. Thanks Sindhu :)
      You are very right. Ancient wisdom can help counter the many lifestyle diseases in the modern world.
      Keep smiling :)

  17. It's a tricky thing, depression. Unfortunately other people can be so unhelpful - "Snap out of it!" - as though that will do it...


  18. Its a terrible affliction and your poem puts beautifully the impact it has on their family and friends.

  19. Quite meaningful and rather moving...

  20. This is definitely an issue that needs to be noted. It can affect anyone, no matter what their gender, culture, social, or financial situation may be. Happy ABC Wednesday and Blessings!

  21. That is so unfortunate. Hard to reach out particularly if the person isn't willing.

  22. I wish there was a known cure for depression. Thank you for making us more aware of a very serious problem Anita. I have had several family members suffer from this.


Your words mean a lot to me.