
Sunday 20 October 2013


Manu had gone for an official tour to Southern India.
He bought a Sari for his wife, Tanu. Tanu was very price-conscious. She would spend hours to pick the perfect value-for-money items. Everything had to look well worth its price.

Manu had paid Rs 1300 for the South-Sari that had a mix of Cotton and Silk. It also had a pretty golden border.
He thought, “It is a bright shade of blue that will suit Tanu’s complexion. I do hope she likes it.”

When Manu gifted the Sari to Tanu, she examined it closely just like a detective investigates a piece of evidence!

“How do you like it?”Manu couldn’t control himself and asked!

“It’s okay. How much did you pay for it?” Tanu had widened her eyes and demanded to know.

“Rs 700”, Manu answered untruthfully.

Tanu said, “For Rs 700, it’s fine! I wouldn’t have paid a rupee more for it!”

Manu heaved a sigh of relief. “Ignorance indeed is bliss”, he thought to himself. 

“Tanu will surely be upset if she knows the reality!” Manu thought.

Manu got busy unpacking. After a while when he came to the living-room, he found Tanu looking mightily pleased. 

“What’s the matter? You look as if you have won a battle!” Manu remarked.

“Guess what? Mrs Mehra, our neighbor, had just dropped in. She saw the Sari, you have bought, lying on the table. Mrs Mehra loved it! As I didn’t like it so much, I offered that she can pay Rs 800 and take it…I just made a neat Rs 100 profit…!”

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Write Over the Weekend theme for this week - to weave a post including, ‘Ignorance indeed is bliss, he/she thought to himself/herself.’

I have also shared another story on the same theme- The Gift

Proud that this story features amongst the best posts & earned this WOW Badge from BlogAdda HERE.


  1. a profit with ignorance. nice one.

    1. Thanks Amar! We think we have made a profit, but reality is different! :)

  2. Okay a bliss indeed... but the act of selling off the gift, that is disappointing. :)
    Nicely woven words Anita!

    1. Thanks Indrani!
      Yes, indeed! This is based on a true story! My sis-in-law's friend actually did this! :)

  3. A very silly Tanu - never throw away a gift even if it brings in a profit. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks Suzy for stopping by! You got the moral right!
      Yes, Tanu felt she's smart, but the loss is her's! :)

  4. Funny that but then again thinking about how manu might have felt ,that's really sad.:)

    1. That's true, Nikhil. Manu felt terrible. First, his gift of love wasn't accepted by his wife; second, there was this Rs 500 loss! As it's a true story, I know!!! :)

  5. oops she shouldn't have sold her husband's gift. ignorance isn't always a bliss then.. poor Manu.

    1. Yes, poor Manu...his gift was sold off that too at a loss!
      A gift means someone cares for you enough to think of you and buy & get something for you... Sad Tanu didn't realize that.

  6. Lol...She was making profit on her Husband's Gift..
    She shouldn't have done that even if she didn't like the Gift at all...

    1. Harsha, many times we don't realize what's profit and what's loss in this world! We are so ignorant thinking that the way we see things is right!
      But, Manu should have told Tanu the correct price of the Sari! If Tanu still wanted to sell it off, at least they would have got the right price! :)

  7. The quote you chose played worked quite well with the twist in the story. A very nice theme selected that goes well with our usual lifestyle. Loved your Tanu-Manu story :)

    1. Thanks a lot, Uma! Yes, the twist comes as a shock! Wife is actually delighted about having sold the gift! 'Good riddance' type! :)
      Glad you liked the 'Manu Gifts Tanu' story!

  8. Nice story!
    Did Manu ever give Tanu a gift again?

    1. Thanks for reading and for sharing this!
      That's anyone's guess!!! If Manu has shared the real story with Tanu, both must have become wiser!
      (As I have based it on a true story, the husband does share the reality with his wife after the Sari's sale! Will check with them if he's gifting his wife after this incident!!!)

  9. A gift from a loved one is priceless -


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