
Friday 27 December 2019

Trust Me, Boss!

As the first female member of the bomb-squad, Liza was often the object of attention.
Initially, when she seemed lost in wires, onlookers remarked, “Women are not wired for this!”
But, Liza never gave up.
The squad’s young leader seemed to understand her perfectly.
He knew what drove Liza.
Her husband was one of the innocent victims of a bomb-blast.
His father too had been killed...

Thursday 26 December 2019

Yes, I Know - It's Year End

The days have gone in a flash,
I know I've been busy & rash.
I can't retrieve what is past,
I know the memories will last.

I sincerely tried to gather lots here.
I know they may not buy me cheer.
No amount of cash or kind-
I know can earn me peace of mind.

Image result for year end quote

The Monument

"Here lies Ijmar The Great", the elderly guide addressed the travel group on their fam-trip.
They were keenly staring at the centuries-old monument of a King. 

Writer Ramji was intently reading the barely legible inscription. 

"Do you know what is written?" their guide asked Ramji.

Friday 20 December 2019

December Chills

Their team had gone for camping in the forest. 
She tried to express her love for him, but couldn't muster courage.

She knew he was interested in her. 
Whenever she looked at him, she found him already staring...
She overheard him requesting for her mobile number from another friend.

She waited for his call.
“Why didn’t he contact me?”

On the last day, she couldn't find him.

Wednesday 18 December 2019

Climate Action

She was staring blankly.
The lake was dry.
There was not a drop of water anywhere.
She realized that her town was in deep climate crisis.
She felt responsible, but just didn't know what to do next.

That's when he came and stood by her side.
He saw what she saw.
He could see fear in her face. 
“No worries! I'm here!"
PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson
He got into climate action mode.
He chose the colours, brushes and strokes.