
Monday 30 November 2015

5 Ways To Transform Our Home

Home is our favorite place where we are the most comfortable.
Our home speaks a lot- even the selection/placement of chair & table!

Our home is where we can let our hair down and feel free to smile!
Our home is the reflection of our own individual choice and style!

No two homes are the same, just like the inhabitants in a city!
Our homes truly are a reflection of our personality!

When our homes reveal such a lot & have so much to say,
Shouldn’t we ensure that they look bright & nice every day?

Here are 5 thrifty ways by which we can pep up and transform our home:

Saturday 21 November 2015

Be Safe

True incident:
Our next-door neighbour's home caught fire yesterday. Their college-going daughter lit a mosquito-coil and put the match-stick on the ground. What she didn't know was that Kerosene had accidentally spilled over on the floor...
Luckily all are safe. The Fire-engine came and things were under control.
We must all be careful. Ensure safety. Beware of half-burnt match-sticks and improperly-closed/fallen bottles. We don't know what is in store in the next moment...😇
Be safe. Take care. God bless. 🙏

Linking with-
ABC Wednesday- S for Safety, Safe

Thursday 5 November 2015

The Quest

She woke up suddenly hearing a ragged sound that stormy night.

She felt someone was knocking at her door and there were threatening footsteps.
She decided to investigate.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Perfect Odissi Odyssey

In my last international flight in September, I was delighted to read the interesting views about "how do we keep our heritage alive" expressed by the travel 3Sixty° team that was published in the in-flight magazine.

I loved what Sub Editor Gregory Basil has shared about Odissi dance- that he was spellbound seeing Ramli Ibrahim's show named "Spellbound". Ramli Ibrahim is a Malaysian, who performs Odissi with his troupe.

As I belong to the state of Odisha of India, I could immediately connect with the above views. 

Odissi dance is a treat to the eyes as it is very graceful and captivating like poetry or sculpture in motion.